Ethical Management

Safety, health & environment management

Social contribution

Performance and Status

Current status of investment in environmental safety
Annual investment status
Amount of investment by year (Unit: 1 million won)
Energy usage
Greenhouse gas emissions
Waste Emissions and Recycling Capacity
Water usage
Protecting the Atmospheric Environment

*As of 2022

Protecting the Atmospheric Environment - classification, units, emission acceptance criteria, emission concentration and emission concentration relative to emission acceptance criteria.
Type Unit Criteria for allowing discharge Concentration-discharge Concentration-discharge compared to the allowable discharge standard.
Dust mg/S㎥ 30 0.9 3%
Nitrogen oxide ppm 40 24.9 62%
Sulfur oxides ppm 35 0.3 1%
Ammonia ppm 30 0.7 2%
Nickel ppm 2 0.1 5%


3% 0.9mg/S㎥

Nitrogen oxide

62% 24.9ppm

Sulfur oxides

1% 0.3ppm


2% 0.7ppm


5% 0.1ppm

Less than 15% on average compared to the discharge allowance standard.

Protecting the water quality and environment [Ochang Plant]

*As of 2022

Protecting the water quality and environment - Classification, emissions are divided into discharge concentration, discharge concentration, discharge concentration, discharge concentration, discharge concentration, emissions.
Type Unit Criteria for allowing discharge Concentration-discharge Concentration-discharge compared to the allowable discharge standard.
BOD ppm 100 0.8 1%
TOC ppm 60 3.0 5%
SS ppm 100 6.3 6%
T-N ppm - 3.9 -
T-P ppm - 0.2 -

※ Ochang Plant Application of Water Quality Standards for End-of-Waste Treatment Facilities (No T-N/T-P Emission Acceptance Criteria)


1% 0.8ppm


5% 3.0ppm


6% 6.3ppm

Less than 4% on average compared to the discharge allowance standard.

Protecting the water quality and environment [Pohang Plant]

*As of 2022

Protecting the water quality and environment - Classification, emissions are divided into discharge concentration, discharge concentration, discharge concentration, discharge concentration, discharge concentration, emissions.
Type Unit Criteria for allowing discharge Concentration-discharge Concentration-discharge compared to the allowable discharge standard.
BOD ppm 10 2.7 27%
TOC ppm 25 3.3 13%
SS ppm 10 3.0 30%
T-N ppm 20 3.7 19%
T-P ppm 2 0.2 11%

※ Application of Water Quality Standards for Public Sewage Treatment Facilities in Pohang


27% 2.7ppm


13% 3.3ppm


30% 3.0ppm


19% 3.7ppm


11% 0.2ppm

Less than 20% on average compared to the discharge allowance standard.